@deegee, excellent questions and points!
I still can't
Good, it means you're human :-)
Adapting your worldview is life shocking as you and most of us here are (or have been) experiencing.
Your thoughts and emotions need time to catch up with this new situation. Take it step by step, day by day. Don't force yourself to be, think or feel anything you're not ready for yet.
Over time you'll discover new questions for yourself to answer and things you never thought about before.
At your age it will be double the challenge: while you are discovering yourself and life in general (like all teenagers go through) you're also challenged by discovering completely new universe: a universe outside the JW religious fundamentalist narrative.
You'll discover that life outside JW is not at all what JW say it is.
You'll discover that life is worth living either with or without religion, with or without god(s).
You'll discover that what you think may be just as true as what anyone else thinks.
You'll discover JW claims to know THE TRUTH work very polarizing, but that it's very well possible (and advantageous) to freely discuss, agree, agree to disagree, and be friends with people who believe completely different things than you do.
You'll discover the world isn't black and white.
You'll discover life is beautiful, wonderful, and very much worth living!
Keep looking, keep asking, keep thinking, keep wondering, keep appreciating.
And be cautious for (no, run from!) everyone who claims his or her opinions or beliefs are THE truth.